Right Here Waiting
34, Võru, Estonia

 Ocens apart
Day after day
And I slowly go Insane
I hear yoor Voice, on the Line
But it Doesn`t stop the Pain
If I see yoo next to never
How can We say Forever
wherever yoo go whatevar yoo doo
I will be Right Here Waiting Fo YOO
watever it takes or how My Heart  Breaks
I will be Right Here Waiting Fo YOO

I Took for granted All the times
that I thought would last somehow
I heare the laughter I taste the tears
But I can`t  get near yoo now

oh  can`t yoo see it baby
you`ve  got me going  grazy
wherever yoo go whatevar yoo do
I will be Right Here Waiting Fo YOO
watever it takes or how My Heart  Breaks
I will be Right Here Waiting Fo YOO

I wonder how we can survive this romance
But in the  end if Im with yoo I`ll take the chance
oh  can`t yoo see it baby
you`ve  got me going  grazy
wherever yoo go whatevar yoo do
I will be Right Here Waiting Fo YOO
watever it takes or how My Heart  Breaks
I will be Right Here Waiting Fo YOO
waiting for YOU 

9 skatījumu

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